When applying for AMS, we were promised that our year at AMS wouldn’t only increase our academic knowledge or improve our hard skills. In accordance with the holistic approach, our year would be more than the sum of our courses. Our AMS experience would also mold us as a person. And sure it did. Here’s a selection of typical traits or habits of the moderate AMS student.

- You got addicted to coffee and know all about it. The Pelican Rouge caffeine runs through your veins now. Not a single break goes by without a hot cup of solace. Thanks the numerous possibilities of the rather modern looking vending (no worry future students: it’s free!) machines you were able to try out all the coffee varieties you want. The barista in us was revealed. Btw: Wiener mélange for the win! And you might want to stay away from the soup. It used to be tomato, but then it changed and at present I’m still not sure what it’s supposed to be. Only try at your own risk.
- You have a love-hate relationship with the backdoor at Kattenstraat. Either you are the smart kid who manages to win 3 minutes and makes it in class in time after all, or you are da real MVP who has to run down the stairs several times in order to open up for them. #justMIEMGMANDGSCMthings.
- You made memories (or the lack thereof) within the area in of the so-called Bermuda student triangle: De Hovenier – Kassa 4 – De Prof. AMS students don’t watch football, or actually soccer, at home. We go to Patje, it’s mandatory! And so are drinks after a looooooong week filled with classes, company visits, exams and inevitably: GROUP WORKS. The same applies to Kassa 4, but that’s more for when the sun gladdens us with her company (throwback to the onboarding days and the tropical temperatures. We almost lived at Kassa 4 back then). Actually, I should also mention Baracuda, but then it wouldn’t be a triangle anymore and things would get complicated. When an AMS student feels the sudden urge to dance on a weeknight (to relieve stress, we only go out because of the beneficial effects on our academic performance of course *wink*), he or she goes to the Prof. A place where they play the most mainstream music and is filled with very young people, who as often as not wear those funny ribbons. The Prof wouldn’t be the Prof without all that.
- You use the word ‘foyer’ on a daily basis and think it’s the most normal word in the wonderful world of the Dutch language. This might seem like another average Dutch word to the international students. But what if I told you… It’s not! In fact, it even comes from the language of love: French. Like honestly, which 20-something year old would use that word in any other situation?! Back me up here, Dutchies.
Of course, there are plenty of other habits and traits, however I need to finish two more groupworks on this lovely Sunday, since my to-do list has proven to be not that sun-proof. Ain’t nobody got time for this.
Enjoy the last hours of your precious weekend!
- Octavia -